Monday, December 15, 2008


A few short hits after several weeks of relative inactivity here.

1. I swear I'd never even heard the word "prorogue" until Canada's Governor-General agreed to do it to Parliament in order to buy Stephen Harper some time. Never let it be said that a constitutional crisis can't have a positive effect on the nation's vocabulary. From now on, when someone accuses me of procrastinating on a story deadline, or household chores, or a bill payment, I will explain that I am not avoiding these responsibilities but rather proroguing them.

2. Prediction for 2009: Shoe-tossing will become the new vogue for registering one's distaste. I can't say much more about President Bush's dodging of an angry Iraqi's shoes at a weekend press conference that Pop Crunch doesn't already say very cleverly at the linked site. But I do wonder whether there's ever been a president in American history who was more eager than Bush (likely) is to see his term come to an end. He's like the PC to Obama's incoming Mac.

3. A lot of what I support politically might be decried by conservatives as "nanny state" stuff. But if you want to read about the real definition of a nanny state, read this.

Hopefully I'll get a few posts up over the holidays. But in the event that I choose to prorogue, I hope everyone has a good, relaxing time.

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