Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Deja Phew

Bet you thought I couldn't do it. "It" being finding another "deja vu" pun after today's Canadian dailies used most of them up. Never let it be said that I won't venture to the farthest, most cobwebby corners of my mind in search of low comedy.

The various dejas, of course, refer to the fact that Stephen Harper's Conservatives won another minority government in yesterday's federal election. It's a significantly stronger minority at 143 seats, just 12 short of the majority Harper was hoping for - hence the "phew" on behalf of those not predisposed to Mr. Sweater Vest.

For Harper, it's a bit of a disappointment but certainly a strong enough showing to keep him firmly ensconced as Prime Minister and Conservative leader. For the Liberals, a disaster - despite a bit of a resurgence in Quebec - that will more than likely cost Stephane Dion the party leadership. For Jack Layton and the NDP, an exercise in wheel-spinning with just a couple more seats and 1% more of the popular vote - although the party will be buoyed by the election of MPs in Alberta and Quebec. For the Greens, no seats but the hope that Elizabeth May has helped win a seat at the table in Canada's mainstream political discourse. For the Bloc, a rousing reminder that the party still dominates in the only province it cares about.

 A few weeks and a few millions dollars later, however, and we're not in a significantly different position than we were before. Expect a Conservative minority to continue for a fairly long time now, as the Liberals have lots of work to do on everything from leadership to the policy playbook and the other parties didn't do much to advance the idea that they're a credible threat to form a government. 

This gives Harper a lot of leeway to build support for his agenda. But those opposed to said agenda can take heart in the fact that the electoral map suggests the Conservatives may have hit their ceiling of support. Also, Harper's a guy who likes a good scrap, and with his opponents doing a left-wing Three Stooges routine, he may allow himself to drift out of fighting shape.

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