Monday, September 22, 2008

Onward, dubious soldier

I've written before about how it's hard to be cynical about John McCain's POW story - how he subjected himself to four extra years of torture by adhering to the first-captured, first-released principle rather than take the easy way out. Okay, so the part after the em-dash remains pretty impressive. But it looks like there's room for cynicism anyway, and not just because McCain and his surrogates have politicized the tale by making it the focal point of his election campaign.

Check this out. No really, check it out. It's a story about how McCain has allegedly played a key role in a decades-long coverup regarding POWs allegedly left behind in Vietnam. I know I link to articles all the time and that it's mostly to prove that I know how to put in a link (Matt 2.0!). But this really is worth reading, not only because it theoretically could take the McCain campaign out at the knees, but because it's not likely, if the last thirtysomething years are any indication, to get much play from the mainstream media.

A politician's cavalier hypocrisy and the media's lazy complicity - two sources of rage for the price of one.

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